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23.11.2024, 11:00
Awards and Recognitions 2024 * "Doctor Honoris Causa" Title. Recently the Mexican Tenor Oscar de la Torre was honored and awarded the title "Doctor Honoris Causa" by the International Conference of the... mehr
* "Mexicano Distinguido 2024" Mexican National Prize (Distinguished Mexican 2024).
The Tenor Oscar de la Torre received the Mexican National Award "Mexicano Distinguido 2024" (Distinguished Mexican 2024), in the category of Art and Music 2024. Was awarded by the SRE- Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores del Gobierno de Mexico, (Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Mexico) and the IME- Instituto de Mexicanos en el Exterior (Institute of Mexicans Abroad), through the CONSULMEX Consulate of Mexico in Frankfurt del Meno, Germany, for his outstanding professional career and for highlighting the name of Mexico by performing Carmina Burana on stages around the world. Frankfurt del Meno, Germany, December 2024.
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23.11.2024, 11:00
*"Galardón Revolución Mexicana 2024" (Mexican Revolution Prize 2024 ). Awarded by the International Conference of the University Community, for its social commitment, its effort and contributions in Mexico... mehr
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23.11.2024, 11:00
"Roberto Villaseñor Medal". The mexican artist was warded by the International Conference of the University Community with the Medal of Merit for Social Justice. Mexico City, November 2024 mehr
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